#40 - How to follow your GUT FEELING!

Have you ever come up with a decision based on a feeling in your stomach that you just can’t seem to explain or ever used the phrase, ‘I feel it in my gut.’?

Some people call it hunch, instinct, sixth sense, second brain, intuition, deeper knowing – name it. These are just some of the many names people call gut feelings, as in the ability to understand without conscious reasoning. It’s like answers coming to you without knowing how or why.

You may not be aware, but you probably experience the benefits of gut feeling daily. I believe all of us, at some point in our lives, felt a kick in the stomach whenever trying to make a decision. Well, my friends, that’s your gut talking loud and clear. 

The Science Behind Your Gut Feelings

Contrary to popular belief, there IS a neurological basis for intuition. There is a reason why the gut is called ‘the second brain’ in the first place. You see, there’s neural network of 100 million neurons lining your digestive tract. Hence, your brain partners with your gut to access & assess your memories, learnings, needs, personality and interests and makes the best & wisest decision considering that information.

Take Gut Feelings to Your Advantage

Those who are identified as highly sensitive have stronger gut feelings than most. It’s beneficial because high sensitivity contributes to perceiving, processing and synthesizing information more deeply, including data about others’ emotional worlds. 

With intentional practice, you can strengthen this even more and here are some of the ways you can do so.

#1 Discern gut feeling from fear.

First step is to learn to distinguish gut feeling from fear. Practice becoming aware of its differences. Practice discernment.

It may be a bit of a struggle because both gut feeling & fear can be accompanied by somewhat similar feelings on the inside & out. However, looking at the brighter side, with practice & intentionality, you can be able to distinguish one from the other.

Fear tends to have this pushing energy as if you’re trying to force something into happening because you don’t want to experience the pain of failure or rejection. Fear is accompanied by feelings of tense, anxiety & frustration.

Intuition, on the other hand, is the opposite. It has this pulling energy, feeling the strong urge to move towards the best option despite the risks you might face. Usually, this is accompanied by feeling of excitement, ease & expectation. Your body tends to be more calm & relaxed.

#2 Start small.

Do not hesitate to start small! Strengthening your intuition doesn’t always mean going big. You can start by simply making little, minor decisions daily, whether that may be choosing an outfit that speaks to you or speaking up in a meeting without having to filter what you want to say. Taking these small steps day by day help you get more aware & comfortable with your intuition. 

#3 Test your choices.

Instead of beating up your mind by overthinking every single thing, role play the decisions your gut is telling you to take. Act as if you’ve really chosen Option #1. Really feel it. Observe & check on how you feel or think. Then, try the same thing with Option #2. In this way, you are able to learn to navigate through your gut feelings.

#4 Go back to your values.

At the end of the day, your values are what matters more. They represent what’s important to you, what you stand for & what you treasure the most. If you value, say for example, rest or accountability, whenever facing tough decision-making processes, you circle around these core values & point you to where you should be heading. They serve as your northern star, helping you determine your stressors, understand more clearly & guide you into the best option. 

With your values, you can try to figure out whatever feels ‘not you’ and gain a clearer perspective on the situation.

You might be surprised how gut feelings can help.

FINALLY, keep in mind that gut feelings CANNOT flourish, grow & strengthen in a busy, noisy & stressful environment.

Clear your mind & give it the space it needs for insight & connection. 

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Coach Eik


#41 - Are you Overtraining?


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