5 Tips For Better Sleep, The BEST Performance Enhancement - And its FREEE

What if I told you I have a FREE hack that can DRAMATICALLY INCREASE your PERFORMANCE, wellbeing, relationships, productivity, hormones and STRENGTH gain?


Well, Science tells us that SLEEP or getting enough sleep can help us with that & so many other things.  

Today, I’m revealing the reason why I keep raving about sleep. Through this blog, you’ll find out why it’s so important & what it has to do with enhancing your performance. I’ll also tackle some other relevant topics such as how to know if you’re getting enough of it & how to practice a good sleep hygiene.

If interested, keep reading!  

Why Sleep is Important

Sleep is the strongest tool for recovery. Nothing, not even the most known supplement, can come close to how much sleep affects our body to recover for good. This is the reason why I keep stressing its importance to every individual.

Whenever we get a good night sleep, our body takes the time to repair the damage done during the whole day. Hormones involved in tissue repair such as testosterone & human growth hormone, are released in increasing number during this time. 

Bottomline is sleep should be your #1 priority when it comes to recovery. 

Getting enough, quality sleep?

Oftentimes, it’s our workload & family obligations that prevent us from getting enough, quality sleep. However, with the rise of digital platforms, habits such as late-night binge-watching, Facebook feed-scrolling & online gaming are also to blame. The biggest problem with those who’ve gotten so used to these habits is they could sleep more if they let themselves, but they choose not to. Sleep isn’t just their priority.

Televisions, mobiles & PCs increase our exposure to blue light, which affects our body's circadian rhythm, our natural wake-and-sleep cycle. During the day, blue light wakes you up. However, too much of it during the night can make it difficult to fall asleep. 

That’s why it’s highly important to stay educated regarding these matters. 


If you want to work on your sleeping patterns, allow me to give you some tips.

Practicing Sleep Hygiene

You may or may not be aware of the term ‘sleep hygiene’, so let me break it down for you. Sleep hygiene basically refers to healthy sleeping patterns or sleeping habits one practices. It has the power to affect your health both mentally & physically – your overall quality of life. The good part is you have total control of how you manage it.

Here are some things you can do manage & keep a healthy sleep hygiene:

#1 Be consistent with your sleeping schedule. 

Think of a schedule that works best for you & stick with it. Go to sleep and wake up the same time every day — even during weekends. This reinforces your body’s sleep cycle which will make it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up every day.

#2 Switch off any electronic gadget or devices.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, electronic devices emit blue light that make it difficult for one to fall asleep. These types of devices can distract you by keeping your brain alert, making it hard to fall asleep. So, set aside your phone for the next 7-8 hours and if possible, put it as farthest from you as you can. 

#3 Exercise regularly.

I don’t know how much I can emphasize this enough, but exercising helps so much in building healthy sleeping habits. Even as little as 30 minutes of the right exercise a day can drastically improve your quality of sleep – even better when you exercise outside as exposure to natural light can help regulate your sleeping cycle.

#4 Limit your caffeine intake

This might be hard for the coffee lovers! But if you want to take action on your healthy & recovery, this will be very helpful. As most people know, caffeine is for those pulling off an all-nighter because it keeps people awake. 

The effects of drinking coffee can last for about 3-7 hours after you had it. This means that your afternoon cup of coffee may keep you awake a lot longer than you’d expect. 

#5 Make your sleep environment work for you

Lastly, be in an environment that makes it easier to fall asleep. I could picture a cool, quiet room with dimmed lighting to make sleep more relaxing & comfortable. 

For most people, a temperature between 60F & 67F is the perfect setting for a good night sleep. 

Another thing you could do is to ensure you have the comfiest sheets, mattress & pillows. The more comfortable you are, the easier it will be to fall asleep. 


I hope that starting today, you make sleep your priority and work on giving your body the rest it deserves.

For more topics about rest & sleep, click this link: https://fitwitheik.com/blog/5-signs-that-you-need-a-rest-day-from-training

Hope this blog post helped you take the next step to a thriving life!




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