A Beginner’s Guide to CrossFit

I believe most people will agree when I say it’s scary to start something new & take risks. I think it’s because most of us like the idea of keeping everything under our control. It’s that fear of the unknown, those questions of doubt, those what ifs –What if I fail? What if it’s hard? What if I can’t do it? It’s these things that limit our possibly great potential.  

Although fear is a normal thing, it is our duty to keep in mind that great things never come from our comfort zones. So, it’s always nice to go beyond our fears & not be afraid to try something new. 

One of those things we can try is CrossFit

I know it can be scary because CrossFit can be daunting to some. They tend to think it’s only for professionals & star athletes when really, it’s not. Contrary to popular belief, it’s actually beginner-friendly. It’s just about your mindset & desire to engage with this new thing that’s beneficial for your body.

Getting Started

No worries, I’m here to give you a comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to CrossFit. Here are some of the things you can do to get started.

#1 Do your research. 

First things first, study! Do your research. Prepare yourself for what you are about to get into. You see, when you’re a CrossFit Newbie, all of the terms used may sound like an alien to you. Terms such as ‘WOD’ or ‘AMRAP’ may be confusing. So, get familiar with the terms CrossFitters use, memorize it if you can. 


#2 Try despite the stereotypes.

The reason why a lot of people feel daunted & intimidated by CrossFit is because the only CrossFit they've seen is during competitions on ESPN where CrossFitters are throwing 300 pounds overhead and flipping massive tires. 

If you've searched for CrossFit in Google, you've probably seen something like this. While that is truly what CrossFit is, it’s not just all that. It’s not just what you should be expecting from the average CrossFit Gym. As I’ve said earlier, it can actually be really friendly to beginners. So, just try.

#3 Find the most suitable CrossFit Gym for you.

Don't just settle on the first gym you visit. Keep visiting & searching until you’ve found the perfect, most suitable one for you. A helpful tip is to look for the 4 key elements when visiting gyms – quality of coaching, safety of the environment, culture in the gym & scheduling. 

If you’ve found one that caters to all of these elements, sign up at that gym! 

#4 Take a fitness assessment. 

Before starting your sessions, make sure to take a fitness assessment with a CrossFit Coach. In this assessment, your body will be tested for its range of motion. This is important.

By doing this, you’ll get information that can help your coach help you. It lets them see which workouts would work best for you & helps them determine when they need to modify your routines.  


#5 Get a coach.

Lastly, get a coach! You know how they say wise people learn from experience? Well, for me, wiser people learn from coaches. This is especially true for people who are just starting. It’d be so much helpful if there was someone who already has the experience & is equipped by profession. 

Find someone who can understand your goals & help you achieve them. Find the most suitable CrossFit Coach for you.


It’s never too late to start something new & believe me, you’re stronger than you think you are. You can do CrossFit & you can nail it! Just do your research, get training & be consistent. 

Still undecided? read through more of my blogs about Crossfit here on fitwitheik.com or book in for a 20 min Mobility Screening & get an individual assessment to how you can get started.

See you there!



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