Is Remote Coaching For You?

Well, it’s storytelling time!

In this blog, I wanna share with you how I started Remote Coaching, what it includes and who might benefit from this type of coaching.

It started here…

I became so tired of being unable to help my clients with the “big picture”. I was painfully aware of the limitations of working as a Physiotherapist to help people to lose weight, as a 1:1 Personal Trainer to help people clean up their diet & as a Nutrition Coach to help people continue being active despite an injury. 


Honestly, it was sooo frustrating that I didn’t have any system in place to assist people with their needs especially when I really wanted to help them. 


Let’s say for example. If you wanted to turn your life around & you were struggling with back pain, too high blood sugar, above the limit BMI, sleep apnea and more than that, you were lactose intolerant, where would you start? Who would you consult?

Because It’s not a one size fits all 

If every health professional only worked within their own scope, you would need to see a Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Doctor and a Physiotherapist separately, eating so much time of your day, filling your calendar with so many appointments with so many different people. Even more, they would most likely give you conflicting information and surely, there would no system in place where they can communicate about what really is in YOUR best interest. 

If I’m being honest, most people don’t have the time, financial resources & mental capacity to be the “project manager” of your health journey, whatever aspect that may be.


Fast forward to March 2020, when this pandemic took all of us by surprise, dealing with the lockdown we never asked for, I sat down with a pen and paper and said to myself, I have a choice, I don’t want to remain just seated & unproductive, I WANT to solve this. 


I started asking myself these questions.

  • How can I use all of my knowledge as a Physiotherapist, Crossfit Athlete, Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Life Coach to help as many people as possible with the “BIG PICTURE”?

  • How can I make my service BETTER online than what I currently provide my customers during our 1:1 sessions in the gym? 

  • How can I make individualized services and “Health Project Managing” financially available to more people? 

  • What assistance would my clients need to turn their lives around and get the results they crave and desire? 

  • What systems and structures do I need to have in place for my clients to get an all around support from me and make their goals happen DESPITE the pandemic?


After weeks & months of contemplating, researching, testing, trying and creating online solutions, I came up with the concept Remote Coaching, which can be described as a complete coaching experience or a “Health Project Management” covering everything from education, nutrition and fitness programming, accountability system, online support and individual consultations.


I strongly believe that working with just one mentor or coach can help you so much more in seeing the ‘big picture’.  It helps take shared responsibility for your health & wellbeing and get you closer to your dream goals faster & much more effective. 


With all of the trials & errors, thankfully, I was able to come up with & develop 3 packages or options to accommodate the different needs for every individual.


You can read about these packages HERE.


What does Remote Coaching include?

 It includes the following:

  • Goal Setting and Value Sorting

  • Movement Screening & Fitness Testing. 

  • Individualized Fitness Program

  • Individualized Nutrition Plan & Habit Coaching

  • Accountability Systems (Daily, Weekly & Monthly Check Ins)

  • Online Support & Video Analysis of Movements & Skills



While It is obvious that Remote Coaching has its limitations, and won’t entirely replace in person 1:1 sessions. It surely will allow you to do things differently and I believe, more effectively. So if you are tired of having scheduling issues with your personal trainer, loose all momentum when they travel and so on. Then it´s time for you to test it out.

Let me end this blog by encouraging you to stop being the person who never reaches their goals, because YOU CAN and you will. It’s just a matter of trying to take a different approach, something you’ve never done. 

Free 20 Min. Consultation

If you’re still unsure whether you really want this or not,  you can set up a 20-minute consultation with me, FREE of charge. 

In this consultation, we’ll run you through the Movement Assessment and/or talk about your goals & what has stopped you from achieving them in the past. BOOK NOW




With Love & Encouragement, 

Coach Eik


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