Want to Get Stronger? Here Are 3 Non Negotiables You Need To Consider

They say patience is a virtue and when you are stuck in a traffic or you are in a long queue or you are waiting for results with your new diet & workout, this statement couldn’t be any truer. 

It’s so easy to become impatient with yourself when it comes to pursuing your health goals, whether that may be your figure or your diet, especially when you aren’t seeing any results. It gets even more frustrating when no matter how hard you’ve tried, no matter how much days you’ve spent on your trainings & workouts and no matter how strict you’ve been with your diet, you just can’t seem to get the results you are earnestly expecting. 

Well, I’m here to tell you that I feel you & that’s normal. What you are feeling is valid. Anyone with a goal who can’t see things shifting can become impatient.

Furthermore, I’m here to help you breakthrough that mindset!

Managing Expectations

While not seeing results can be quite frustrating, it is also quite important to check our expectations because sometimes, the problem is not about how slow the result is, but about how unrealistic our expectations are. 

Are you setting realistic, attainable, and timely expectations or are they too high that not even the strongest person in the room can achieve?

Well, let me give you a brief background on creating a more realistic expectation especially when it comes to your health goal of becoming fitter, healthier, and STRONGER.

What needs to happen to be stronger?

The process of becoming stronger has a lot to do with how you build up your muscles and this could only occur when you challenge them to do something unfamiliar whether that’s running, sprints, push-ups, or heavy lifting and this process can take about 8-12 weeks to take full effect.

Our muscles take time to grow bigger & stronger and that is why patience is an important virtue to practice when aiming for this. 

3 Important Considerations

Now, allow me to give you a list of important things you need to consider when it is your goal to become stronger.

#1 Eat enough to support your Anabolic Needs.

Building up your muscles will require a positive energy balance, requiring your body to take in more calories than you burn. You need roughly around 2,800 calories that can be elevated during your trainings.

From eating breakfast to eating fruits & vegetables in every meal, everything boils down to meeting your calorific expenditure and provide your body with the nutrition that can help build your muscles, lose your fats and become stronger.  

#2 Stimulate your body with Strength Training. 

It’s best to get yourself into Strength Training to achieve your goal and if you are wondering if you are pushing yourself enough or if you are performing well enough, check out this blog post on RPE in strength training. CLICK HERE

By reading this, you’ll also find out how heavy you should be lifting in each training session. 

#3 Rest enough.

Well, yes, you read that right. REST enough. Rest days are IMPORTANT in fitness. Get enough sleep. Recover from your sessions. Rest well.

Exercise routines & training sessions require our body’s energy stores primarily, carbohydrates and fluids in producing sweat to be used. Resting can give our bodies the ample time to replenish these energy stores, helping us adapt.

It also helps in recovering our body’s muscles from any damage sustained during workouts, allowing our muscles to grow.


There is no specific order for these three and all of them are equally important. If you don’t eat enough, you won’t get stronger. If you don’t get enough rest, you won’t get stronger. If you don’t train well enough, it’s also very unlikely for you to get stronger. Be sure to have a proper balance of diet, rest & training and you’ll surely be stronger than ever. 

Thank you so much for reading! If you are interested to learn & read more, you can check out my other blog posts: https://fitwitheik.com/blog/beginnersstrength


And, if you are eager to put this into action & become stronger, feel free to enroll in one of my programs. I’ll be more than happy to coach you!




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