Why Mindset Is So Important For Success!

Today we are going to talk about how you can use your mindset and attitude to become more successful at the things you are already doing.

I have to kick this of with one of the very inspirational quote I have found.

“The kind of mind you have today determines the kind of life you’ll live tomorrow.” –  and I couldn’t agree more with it.

Why are Excellent people Excellent?

Have you ever had questions in your mind on how some people seem to excel in whatever they choose to spend their time on while others can’t even manage to begin?

Well, studies have shown that excellence has a lot to do with they way you think about yourself & your own abilities. and that my friend is It’s all about your mindset and attitude toward a challenge.

and before we dive in, we have to start with explaining the difference between Growth Mindset > Fixed Mindset.

You have probably heard about them before, but lets look at them in context.

Fixed and Growth Mindset

The fixed mindset is the kind of thinking that an ability or skill is fixed or ingrained, that we are born with a certain set of skill, resources & with a certain ability and we cannot change it, develop it or adapt it.

The growth mindset, however, is the kind of thinking that an ability is something that can be learned & developed through hard work, determination & intentional effort.

This in the sport of crossfit could be the person who decides they are more of a weightlifter, and not a gymnast due to bodyweight or vice versa. This could also be the cross-fitter that says "i will never be good at running" before they have even tried. Sound familiar?

These two leads to very different behavior, very different attitude to challenges and in the end a very different results . It has been proven that those with the growth mindset happen to excel more. 

You see, having the kind of mindset, the belief that you are in charge & you can learn even if it’s not your skill is the secret recipe to success.

Ability is important but grit & passion are so much more.

This is what I have found: The Mind Can Be Trained

The good news is this, regardless of what kind of mindset you currently have, there is still a chance to change it.

Neuroscience shows that our brains continuously change & develop as we grow, even as adults. The brain can be compared to plastic because of its ability to remodel overtime, forming new neural pathways & learning to adapt, which scientists have termed as neuroplasticity. 

this sounds very geeky but l et me explain further.

Neural pathways are developed by constantly doing a certain task or thinking a certain thought or saying a certain thing. These tasks, when often done, are later processed by our brains as habits.

Now, neuroplasticity is the belief that despite what we were ‘wired’ to say or do, we can still change if we really wanted to. The first step is to desire that change and then, through repetition, more reflection and more repetition, to train the brain to gain that new skill or ability. 

So what’s the lesson here? > with a Better Mind you become Better Athlete

The growth mindset can help athletes and everyday people develop their skills and continue to thrive in their area of expertise and also develop new skills out of their wheelhouse.

Here’s how it affect you as an athlete on at least 4 levels!

First attack is on your Belief system

Having the growth mindset empowers athletes to believe that their skill is a process of learning and something that is not done in one snap of a finger, but done with hard work. Athletes with this type of mindset know that in order to improve, one must practice, practice and practice! 

Secondly by improving Motivation

Athletes with the growth mindset tend to feel more motivated than those with the fixed mindset. They have a passion & desire to continuously learn & grow. They are determined & intentional when it comes to turning weaknesses into strengths. 

Thirdly by changing your attitude to Adversity

Those with the growth mindset have the ability to thrive even in difficult circumstances. They keep their passion, even through countless failures & mistakes because they believe that even mistakes are part of the process. They know that adversities do not define them and could still improve, grow & develop with focus and maximum effort.

Last and fourth on taking Coaching & Feedback

Lastly, a person with a growth mindset is more friendly with feedback. They see criticisms as an important part of their growth & they take it more positively than others. They understand that in order to grow, one must seek the wise counsel of others, especially of those who have been in the business for long.

Where to start:

If you wanna start changing things, start small, begin with your mindset. First step is to start calling yourself out in the moments where you are setting limits for yourself, or thinking you cant change the issue in front of you.

Once you start to see those opportunities you can start building a positive mindset, a mind that is set on the endless possibilities of who you can be. Start believing that you can CHANGE because We Know YOU CAN. 

And when you need someone to help you turn your self-limiting boundaries, you can have me as your coach to guide you through. 

Thank you so much for tuning in, if there is one thing I want to leave you with is this.  Start taking tiny small, imperfect action something that takes you max 5 min. But do it now, while you are motivated.

- if you want more quick and dirty tips make sure to Like and  subscribe to the Building Thriving Lifestyles  on your favorite platform or follow us on Instagram so you never miss an episode.

Much Love Coach Eik


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