Why New Things Are Scary!

I am very much the type of coach who walks the walk with you. I don’t try to convince anyone that I have it all together, and I too do scary and hard things often.

After running this BLOG for 3 years, sharing some of the mutual findings from clients and my own journey. I now feel like its time to expand.

I am sitting here, sweating, my heart is raising, and I have been thinking about starting this podcast & vlog for almost 3 years. But I have procrastinated for a long time, but now it’s time to take action.

I wanted to share with you 3 main reasons why doing new things is scary, and as I start this Podcast Journey out with this episode, I want to let you know that everyone feels these type of feelings and that its NORMAL!

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New Things

Doing new things is SCARY, and that is normal. Its due to how we are wired, and some of our internal battles.

One of the reason new things are scare, is due to a function in our brain that is meant to keep us safe. This ancient fuction is meant to alarm us and make us stop in our tracks when we put ourselves in danger. But this same fuction is also holding many of us back, making it very hard to make changes. Who doesn't recognise planning to start exercising but when the moment comes, your brain is filled with self doubt - excueses and we endup turning around.

Another reason new things are scary is Perfectionism. Many of us want to do it all from the very beginning.  And for many being a beginner at something is very scary. But when learning a new thing we have to accept we start somewhere, this means if you are trying to speak a new languages you will go through a fase of sounding like a 3 year old, when you start running you will be slower than our friend and go through trial and error with your sessions.

In my process of starting this podcast I look at all my idols that are doing it so well, that have perfect lighting and recording and editing. They have affiliates lined up to monitize their podcast and a marketing plan. And I feel overwhelmed to say the least.

Third reason is putting yourself out there and potentially disappointing yourself.  Many of us have this thought in the back of our mind what if I do my best and its still not enough? What if I try to lose weight, comit to my nutrition but still dont see resaults? What if I join the new gym/start this new routine but still can´t pefrom the way I want? What if I start this podcast and no one likes or subscribes to it, what does that say about me?

So what’s the lesson here?

Lesson is that new things are scary, and that we have to overcome and fight a little bit with ourselves in order to make things happen.

Sometimes it means braking things down and talking to yourself like a 3 year old that does not want to go to a new kindergarden class.  You would not shout at them and tell them to be perfect on day 1.

You would treat them with kindness, talk them through and brake things down into smaller segments. You would start with leaving them there for few hours, half a day and then full days after adjustment time.

After 12 years of working in this field of self-improvement and helping people navigate through CHANGE I know the rewards are so much bigger when you do the things that scare you.

When you show up wholeheartedly like my idol Brené Brown says and put your self out on the line you will learn so much, and create genuine connection.

Where to start:

If you are on the cust of making any big changes for yourself, start small - break it down into tiny bits that seem doable for you.

Here I am recording an episode with support of a script, on not perfect microphone with my makeshift camera setup, I have left room for improvement - I wont be perfect from the first episode, and that is okay. My idols have been doing this for 10 years, last week I went  back in their arcives and found their first episodes, and MAN have they come a long way.

Thank you so much for tuning in, if there is one thing I want to leave you with is this.  Do the hard thing, and start taking tiny small, imperfect action something that takes you max 5 min.

But start now, while you are motivated.

much love


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