4 Steps to Break The “All Or Nothing Habit”

Do you often find yourself in the situation where you go ALL IN?

With the Christmas season and the holidays rolling in, there is no better time to talk about this ALL or NOTHING Dilemma than RIGHT NOW.

ALL or NOTHING (1).png

Just so we are on the same page. What I’m talking about is when you open a bag of chips or cookies and then finish it ALL in one setting.

ORRRR, go out for burgers… think ohh I have MESSED up, my diet is ruined now….. So I may just as well just have the burger, the fries and a milkshake and stop and get some candy on the way home.

Disclaimer, if you incorporate these 4 steps, it can potentially be life-changing for you.

As a fellow perfectionist, and a person that gets massively upset by not doing my best. You can, by practicing these 4 little steps learn to:

  • Stop beating yourself up

  • Start to enjoy food more

  • Start to enjoy social gatherings more

  • To think on your feet and get the best of every situation.

  • And more importantly help you make peace with food.

I know it sounds dramatic. But I guarantee you I’m not joking.

-I actually mean it.

Let’s dive into this All or Nothing thing.

This is a sequence of behaviours that happens, and you feel like you have NO control over it. Out of nowhere you find yourself in this situation, where you have probably been before and you FEEL like you have NO control over what happens next.

To make long story short, this ALL or NOTHING behaviour is a HABIT. And like all habits, its automated pattern of thinking and behaviours in your brain, that is triggered by a situation or stimulus, often by the food or a social setting.

Then something happens that you are more or less in control of, repeated pattern of thoughts and actions.

Then there is some sort of a temporary reward, enjoyment of the food.

But then there is a storm of negative thoughts, and/or self talk that follows after breaking the rules. Often with tightening your “rules” even more. And some more beating yourself up for the behavior. That often leads to it next time being EVEN easier to step of track, and repeat the pattern.

With other words, if this is true for you, you have the HABIT to go ALL IN when you brake YOUR set of rules.

Here is the KICKER:

The actual consuming “less optimal” food for one meal is all fine, no real harm done to your weightloss project or health by one “unhealthy” meal. The real trouble begins when the shame and blame shows up and you think now it’s all ruined, followed by even tighter rules and expectations that NO human can ever live upto.

The actual weight gain happens when this pattern has been repeated many times and YOUR personal rules are now triggered by ANY meal that’s not boiled chicken and steamed broccoli. Because if you end up having a burger in a bun or one biscuit, then you might as well have the whole package, the whole thing thing, eat it all and then possibly grab some more

- because this day is already ruined and you can start again tomorrow. Right?

Now onto the positive thing:

This ALL or NOTHING mindset, is a HABIT and you can change it. By becoming more aware of your triggers and patterns, YOU can take back control, and change this HABIT.

You don’t HAVE to go down that route. And you can get off the ALL or NOTHING bus and change this so food becomes less scare and gatherings and eating in a social setting is fun again.

You Ready?

CLICK below, Sign Up For The Thriving Lifestyles Newsletter And DOWNLOAD the 4 Steps Workbook To get working away from the All Or Nothing Habit right away.

Let me know how it goes, I can’t wait to hear how you get on with this workbook.

And as always, if you need any assistance - drop me a email, DM me on IG or contact me through the contact formula at the top of this site!


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