Are you Thriving or just Surviving ?

The subtle difference between surviving and thriving lifestyles is significant, and it can affect your daily life, happiness and activities in an important way.

Take >10 minutes to read this article, and you will have a better idea on how you can start to turn this around.

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To survive means to “continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.”

To thrive means to “prosper, be fortunate or successful, to grow or develop vigorously; flourish.”

According to science, the sense of thriving appears to come down to an individual experiencing a sense of development, of getting better at something, and succeeding at it or mastering. In the simplest of terms: THRIVING is all about feeling good about life and yourself and being good at something.

More this year than ever, many of us are in pure survival mode. I mean let’s face it, 2020 has been a turbulent year filled with things that are outside our control. This CAN affect our sense of thriving massively, and make it way harder to get by IF we choose to let go of all control and just float with it.

But this definition of thriving also offers opportunities, to make improvements and start to thrive. I bet there is something, in some area, movement, language, skill or fitness related that you would like to get better at. Something that is within your control to learn, start to master, that you can start to working on to turn this around and start thriving.

I have come to realise that personal training is about something way more important than just the isolated movements, squats and push ups in the gym — or even the improvement aka. ability to run faster and further.

Nowadays, my primary focus as a coach is to help clients find a sustainable long term solution. A solution that allows them to let go of simply SURVIVING their health project and start THRIVING with their new lifestyle choices and habits. Research shows that the difference between you having a good day or a bad day, can be stripped down to the feeling of getting better/moving forward with ONE thing or aspect of your life. You can let your run project, learning HSPU or Italian be that highlight of the day.

This year more than ever, people that have changed their perspective on health and set their health goals at the top of their priority list. My goal with personal training – or coaching, as I like to call it – is to deliver high-quality training programs as well as mental support and systems to help you thrive. To continuously get better at at least one area of your life. This applies to both in-person and remote coaching sessions. This is achived through a in-depth startup process, testing, interview and goal setting, as well as reflection along the way. I can challenge you and provide you with the support you need to remove self limiting beliefs and behaviour patterns, to stop just surviving and to start thriving.

I am here to help you to create a THRIVING lifestyle, to take back control of your life and a build a workout routine that you simply don’t want to take a break from!

If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. 🙂


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