Why You Should Be Journaling

If you have to solve a complex math issue, with multiple variables…. Would you try to solve that in your head?

Or pull out a pen and paper and write it down to look at it in front of you?

Our brains don’t function very well with solving complex tasks, with multiple variables without seeing it.

In exactly the same way many of the thoughts we run around with in our heads, questions, doubts, wonders and issues are to pretty complex, and tend to have too many variables involved for you to solve it in your head. This is why journaling can be really helpful.


Journaling is known to help you

  • Prioritise problems, fears, and concerns.

  • Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them.

  • Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk, do a brain dump/ vent frustrations and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors.

This Is Why

I encourage all clients on FitWithEik training programs or Lifestyle Consultancy from Thriving Lifestyles to start some kind of a journaling practice, level and intensity depending on their issues and goals they are working on. I want all clients to physically start writing down on at least weekly basis, preferably daily in the form of a 5 min morning journal, brain dump before bed or weekly reviews or progress notes.

And in practice, every week FitWithEik.com training programs end with a weekly reflection consisting of 3 questions. (see beginner level journaling below). I do this because it helps you to move forward faster, and provides me as a coach with valuable insights into what “Demons” you are fighting and how I can support you with changes in training programming OR other ways.

Where To Start?
If you want to start journaling to advance your fitness game, here are two ideas to questions you can practice answering weekly in your training journal. I have divided it into beginner and advanced level, only difference is the beginner level asks you more directly for good things to help you with the positive reinforcement and the advanced level questions are slightly more open to allow you to fill in the blanks. You can pick the one fits you and your goals better.

Beginner Level:

Two things that went well or positively surprised you last week:

One thing you found challenging in the last week:

One thing you would like to change for next week:

Advanced Level:

This week I want to do less of:

This week I want to do more of:

This week I want to feel like:

Top 3 priorities for this week:

When I get stuck, side tracked or demotivated I’ll remember:

I promise you after 8 weeks of doing this weekly, you will see some dramatic changes in what you are prioritizing and results will follow. #trustintheprocess #buildingthrivinglifestyles.

If you try this don’t forget to tag me @eikgylfadottir and/or @thriving__lifestyles and use the #buildingthrivinglifestyles

Best of luck

I Believe In You


Are you Thriving or just Surviving ?


Food for Thought: You don’t need to be a Gym Junkie to enjoy the benefits of training.