5 Steps How You Can: Stop being a Procrastinator And Become a Action Taker

This little read 10 min, will help you to get out of the procrastination face and get started, it will help you to keep the momentum going by taking action!

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Through the last 10 years of coaching I have seen and helped a lot of people set goals and achieve them. We are talking big things here, like losing 60 kg, gaining muscle mass, running marathons and going from the couch to 5 km.

I have also heard people tell that they can’t achieve their goals because they find it impossible. They end up thinking about it for 20 days, weeks, years over-complicating it instead, finding it hard to take action to starting to DOING something.

So today I want to share with you a step by step guide on how you can get off the thinker bus and start taking actions on these these goal you have in mind, but have been putting off. I will do this by using lessons learnt from those who have been successful and even from those who have not been so successful. 

In these following 5 steps, I am combining all the knowledge, personal experience and science from my masters, idols, and leading speakers in this area of social studies and research to give you a simple, but effective line of actions - tasks you can do.

Like so many things, It’s simple when you read it, but sometimes harder to execute

-  that's where I come in. If you read all the way to the end, I have a special something for you - to help you put this into action.

Step 1: Identify your top 10 Values in a ranking order.

You need to set goals that MATTER to you on a fundamental level. That light’s a fire in you and that is a priority in your life. Most problems from failing at achieving a goal is when they do not align with your personal values.

Values are not goals. If you imagine a ship sailing on open water, goals are the destination while Values are your compass and north star that guide you along the way and make sure you don't get lost. 

Examples of Values are:

Achievement: To have important accomplishments

Adventure: To have new and exciting experiences

Attractiveness: To be physically attractive

Authority: To be in charge of and responsible for others

Autonomy: To be self-determined and independent

Beauty: To appreciate beauty around me

Caring: To take care of others

Challenge: To take on difficult tasks and problems

Change: To have a full life of change and variety

Comfort: To have a pleasant and comfortable life

Commitment: To make enduring, meaningful commitments

Step 2: Set Performance Based Goals that are based on your values and desired outcomes!

Most often people set themselves SMART goals, blindly. Often purely outcome based. For example, I want to lose 5 kg, but what happens if you only lose 4 kg? Did you fail? 

Problem with this method is that it focuses partially on things that are outside your control. You are not in charge of how your metabolism reacts to your dieting, and if you always focus on external factors it's easy to get side tracked and to lose motivation.

My recommendation is to shift focus to something that is performance based on your values. 

If one of your values was aesthetics and you want to be on a beach with a 6 pack and big biceps performance goals that relate to that could be something like: I want to be able to do 10 chin-ups with my own bodyweight or I want to lower my body fat percent to about 15% so that you can see those abs popping out before my next holiday.

Step 3: Visualisation

Your Mind Can't tell the difference between what you imagine and what you have experienced. In order to make it happen you need to make it real. 

And this practice comes absolutely free, and is so underrated. If you imagine yourself being successful at your goal, you are almost halfway there!

Step 4: Set Process Goals.

Setting process goals, things you have to DO to achieve your dream goal. Or more popular these days, identify what HABITS you need to adopt and practice to be successful at to achieve your goals.

What kind of habits does this person you visualise do on a daily basis to achieve the desired outcome?

Do they go to bed at a certain time, what do they eat in order to grow bigger biceps and get a six pack? Identify some Key habits, set them as process goals for yourself throughout the week, so you can tick things of a list when you go to bed before 10pm 5x pr week or eat 4 portions of vegetables per day and say to yourself ....

Yes I am on my way to becoming this person!

Step 5: With Kindness…

Start taking actions on your process goals. Start experimenting with taking actions. Taking Actions is like any other training, the more you do it - the better at it you become. It’s like a special muscle that grows stronger the more you use it....

If you are struggle with procrastinating, and would like to know more about how to put these tools into ACTION and start flexing this action taking muscle. Join the FREE The 7 Day Action Challenge: And get started on the things that you have been wanting to start doing, and keep the momentum going.

You can start this challenge ANYTIME, its delivered to your email inbox with just 30 min tasks for you to do every day for 7 days. These 30 min tasks are going to help you break the habit of procrastinating and help you start DOING!

Why You Should Sign Up!

You my friend can achieve great things. It’s not helpful at all KNOWING about clever things, we have to take action on them and incorporate them into our lives. And I have designed this 7 day challenge exactly to help you do that.

Because I know, once you start doing, and are comfortable with doing the uncomfortable

- nothing is going to stop you!

You have 30 min per day next 7 days, to start showing up for yourself and get going on that thing that you have been wanting to do. I know you can find the time ;)


Best Of Luck, Keep Practicing, Executing Small Good Habits Day In And Day Out!

Whatever you do, don’t do nothing!


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