Top 5 Books, health, productivity and fitness related that I read in 2020

Don´t you just love reading books. They expand our knowledge and allow us to see a different side to things.

Reading has become a staple in my daily routine in 2020. I try to read or listen to audiobooks for 30 min before I go to bed as a screen free way of ending my day and also often it is the first thing I do in the morning.

I really like to start my day with expanding my mind, rather than picking up my phone and getting FOMO on the fun things I missed out on last night via social media.

Just thought I would share with you a top 5 list of interesting books that I read in 2020. You may even want to add these to your own lib

Number 1:  Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play

This book really touched me, and has taught me more about how to plan my time around the things that I enjoy, to be more productive and get more stuff done. If you want to get out of the routine of forcing yourself to complete tasks, then I highly recommend you give this one a read

Number 2: Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams

Why we sleep, is amazing. Read it NOW.

Okay, maybe that was too direct. But this book is amazing for anyone working on elevating their health in one or another. Regardless if you work with clients, want to lose weight, perform better, be more productive at work or even be a better parent, wife, friend - good sleep is going to help you. 

This book will explain to you the importance of sleep, teach you how to sleep better and start working on improving the quality of your sleep.

Can´t recommend this read enough. It is life changing! 

ps. The audiobook is pretty good to fall to sleep to.The audio narration is very soothing.

Number 3: The Four Tendencies

The four tendencies, I have read and listened to this book probably 10 times now. This book will answer you these questions that I as a coach ask myself all the time: Why do people act the way they act when they set themselves goals or when you ask them to do something?

Amazing framework that helped me as a coach and as a person to be more understanding how to meet needs for different tendencies. Once you see this, you can never ever unsee it. But it has also helped me get more patient and be more understanding as a personal trainer, coach, partner, friend and dog mom.

Number 4:  The Champion's Mind

I read this while I was competing as a professional athlete, but decided to re-read it from a coaching perspective. 

How can I help athletes stand out above the rest and develop mental strength and peaking performances? Conclusion is that there are a-lot of things that are the same for the peak athletes and the average Jane. Mental toughness is not something gifted to few, everyone can learn to culture it. Great read if you want to excel in your field and elevate your mental game.

Number 5: Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Brené Brown is my idol, as he is so authentic and unafraid to talk about sensitive and vulnerable topics head first. This book is amazing and talks about getting balanced in life ,creating harmony within ourselves and between the way we live, love, parent and lead. Should be on your book list if you want to get better at BALANCING all your different hats or if you have this inside frustration that there must be more to life.

Just thought I should share these with you, maybe something caught your attention and you want to add to your reading list. As you can see I was on a mission to learn all I could about habits, procrastination and things that I can use to help my clients drive positive change in their life and become a better coach, leader and person along the way.

That's All for now,

Let me know if you read any of these books!


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